Cyril Brulebois <> (2024-05-17):
> I was tempted to open a second bug on crowdsec-firewall-bouncer,
> referencing this one, and to upload both packages to unstable (this one
> with the upstream patch, the other one with a bumped build-dep to make
> sure it cannot be rebuilt against the broken package; there are a lot of
> binNMUs flying around already). Then to submit p-u requests to get the
> same updates into bookworm. But does that issue warrant a DSA?

The crowdsec-firewall-bouncer bug is #1071248.

The only other reverse dependency is opensnitch (maintainers Cc'd) but
it doesn't seem to use the AddSet() function (in any versions/suites).

Cyril Brulebois (            <>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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