On 18.05.2024 22.58, Xiyue Deng wrote:
> Using the use case in elpa-debian-el as an example, we handle CCing
> oneself in ELisp, so we assume reportbug is invoked without "list-cc-me"
> by not passing that argument.  However, if the user has a
> "~/.reportbugrc" with "list-cc-me" in it, it will break this assumption,
> and reportbug ended up having it's own self CC and elpa-debian-el added
> another self CC, which would be confusing to users.  If we have an
> option to disable loading "~/.reportbugrc" we can avoid this situation.

Well, adding a way to override the "list-cc-me" would also avoid this
situation, wouldn't it? What I'm trying to discuss is the advantages and
disadvantages of this alternative approach compared to your proposal.
"Disable configuration files" seems like a very unspecific override
(that might also break stuff other tools rely upon) to ask for if a more
specific one would do. Or maybe no change is actually needed at all,
because your case is already resolved?

> The same applies to other arguments that user may set but affect the
> assumptions of other programs.

I think it would be helpful if there was a real application use case to
discuss here. If there aren't any (valid) assumptions by other programs
that we are breaking then I don't think there is any bug and this should
be closed.

Since this is about cc-related options, are you already including the -x
(or --no-cc) option when invoking reportbug? Reportbug doesn't actually
read list-cc from its configuration file(s). It does read cc and list-cc-me.

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