Source: debhelper
Version: 13.15.3
Control: affects -1 src:gnome-remote-desktop

gnome-remote-desktop 46 upstream has decided to implement both
tmpfiles.d and sysusers.d to create a system user and its home
directory. systemd-tmpfiles needs to run before systemd-sysusers. If
not, on a new install, this command hangs for about 90 seconds:

Creating user 'gnome-remote-desktop' (GNOME Remote Desktop) with UID
*** and GID ***.

Then this error:
Could not execute systemctl:  at /usr/bin/deb-systemd-invoke line 148.

Then the installation completes successfully.

Therefore, I recommend that debhelper automatically runs
dh_installtmpfiles before running dh_installsysusers in case any other
projects want to do what gnome-remote-desktop does.

I was able to workaround this issue:

Thank you,
Jeremy Bícha

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