On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 11:03:27AM -0600, Peter Xu wrote:
> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 05:03:44PM +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> > Above all, I'm failing to see why there's a compelling reason
> > for virtio_gpu to diverge from our long standing practice of
> > adding a named property flag "virtio_scanout_vmstate_fix"
> > on the machine class, and then setting it in machine types
> > which need it.
> The reason to introduce that is definitely avoid introducing fields /
> properties in similar cases in which case all the fields may represent the
> same thing ("return true if MC is older than xxx version").  Especially
> when such change is not bound to a new feature so in which case it won't
> make sense to allow user to even control that propoerty, even if we
> exported this "x-virtio-scanout-fix" property, but now we must export it
> because compat fields require it.
> However I think agree that having upstream specific MC versions in VMSD
> checks is kind of unwanted.  I think the major problem is we don't have
> that extra machine type abstract where we can have simply a number showing
> the release of QEMU, then we can map that number to whatever
> upstream/downstream machine types.  E.g.:
>   Release No.         Upstream version       Downstream version
>   50                  9.0                    Y.0
>   51                  9.1
>   52                  9.2                    Y.1
>   ...

Downstream versions do not map cleanly to individual upstream versions
across the whole code base. If we have two distinct features in upstream
version X, each of them may map to a different downstream release. 

This can happen when downstream skips one or more upstream releases.
One feature from the skipped release might be backported to an earlier
downstream release, while other feature might not arrive downstream
until they later rebase. Version based checks are an inherantly
undesirable idea for a situation where there is any backporting taking
place, whether its machine type versions or something else. Named feature
/ flag based checks are always the way to go.

With regards,
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