hvanhovell commented on code in PR #39615:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/39615#discussion_r1592553906

@@ -166,317 +148,58 @@ object JavaTypeInference {
       .filter(_.getReadMethod != null)
-  private def getJavaBeanReadableAndWritableProperties(
-      beanClass: Class[_]): Array[PropertyDescriptor] = {
-    getJavaBeanReadableProperties(beanClass).filter(_.getWriteMethod != null)
-  }
-  private def elementType(typeToken: TypeToken[_]): TypeToken[_] = {
-    val typeToken2 = typeToken.asInstanceOf[TypeToken[_ <: JIterable[_]]]
-    val iterableSuperType = typeToken2.getSupertype(classOf[JIterable[_]])
-    val iteratorType = iterableSuperType.resolveType(iteratorReturnType)
-    iteratorType.resolveType(nextReturnType)
-  }
-  private def mapKeyValueType(typeToken: TypeToken[_]): (TypeToken[_], 
TypeToken[_]) = {
-    val typeToken2 = typeToken.asInstanceOf[TypeToken[_ <: JMap[_, _]]]
-    val mapSuperType = typeToken2.getSupertype(classOf[JMap[_, _]])
-    val keyType = elementType(mapSuperType.resolveType(keySetReturnType))
-    val valueType = elementType(mapSuperType.resolveType(valuesReturnType))
-    keyType -> valueType
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the Spark SQL DataType for a given java class.  Where this is not 
an exact mapping
-   * to a native type, an ObjectType is returned.
-   *
-   * Unlike `inferDataType`, this function doesn't do any massaging of types 
into the Spark SQL type
-   * system.  As a result, ObjectType will be returned for things like boxed 
-   */
-  private def inferExternalType(cls: Class[_]): DataType = cls match {
-    case c if c == java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => BooleanType
-    case c if c == java.lang.Byte.TYPE => ByteType
-    case c if c == java.lang.Short.TYPE => ShortType
-    case c if c == java.lang.Integer.TYPE => IntegerType
-    case c if c == java.lang.Long.TYPE => LongType
-    case c if c == java.lang.Float.TYPE => FloatType
-    case c if c == java.lang.Double.TYPE => DoubleType
-    case c if c == classOf[Array[Byte]] => BinaryType
-    case _ => ObjectType(cls)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns an expression that can be used to deserialize a Spark SQL 
representation to an object
-   * of java bean `T` with a compatible schema.  The Spark SQL representation 
is located at ordinal
-   * 0 of a row, i.e., `GetColumnByOrdinal(0, _)`. Nested classes will have 
their fields accessed
-   * using `UnresolvedExtractValue`.
-   */
-  def deserializerFor(beanClass: Class[_]): Expression = {
-    val typeToken = TypeToken.of(beanClass)
-    val walkedTypePath = new 
-    val (dataType, nullable) = inferDataType(typeToken)
-    // Assumes we are deserializing the first column of a row.
-    deserializerForWithNullSafetyAndUpcast(GetColumnByOrdinal(0, dataType), 
-      nullable = nullable, walkedTypePath, deserializerFor(typeToken, _, 
-  }
-  private def deserializerFor(
-      typeToken: TypeToken[_],
-      path: Expression,
-      walkedTypePath: WalkedTypePath): Expression = {
-    typeToken.getRawType match {
-      case c if !inferExternalType(c).isInstanceOf[ObjectType] => path
-      case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Short] ||
-                c == classOf[java.lang.Integer] ||
-                c == classOf[java.lang.Long] ||
-                c == classOf[java.lang.Double] ||
-                c == classOf[java.lang.Float] ||
-                c == classOf[java.lang.Byte] ||
-                c == classOf[java.lang.Boolean] =>
-        createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(path, c)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.time.LocalDate] =>
-        createDeserializerForLocalDate(path)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.sql.Date] =>
-        createDeserializerForSqlDate(path)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.time.Instant] =>
-        createDeserializerForInstant(path)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.sql.Timestamp] =>
-        createDeserializerForSqlTimestamp(path)
+  private class ImplementsGenericInterface(interface: Class[_]) {
+    assert(interface.isInterface)
+    assert(interface.getTypeParameters.nonEmpty)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.time.LocalDateTime] =>
-        createDeserializerForLocalDateTime(path)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.time.Duration] =>
-        createDeserializerForDuration(path)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.time.Period] =>
-        createDeserializerForPeriod(path)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.lang.String] =>
-        createDeserializerForString(path, returnNullable = true)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.math.BigDecimal] =>
-        createDeserializerForJavaBigDecimal(path, returnNullable = true)
-      case c if c == classOf[java.math.BigInteger] =>
-        createDeserializerForJavaBigInteger(path, returnNullable = true)
-      case c if c.isArray =>
-        val elementType = c.getComponentType
-        val newTypePath = 
-        val (dataType, elementNullable) = inferDataType(elementType)
-        val mapFunction: Expression => Expression = element => {
-          // upcast the array element to the data type the encoder expected.
-          deserializerForWithNullSafetyAndUpcast(
-            element,
-            dataType,
-            nullable = elementNullable,
-            newTypePath,
-            deserializerFor(typeToken.getComponentType, _, newTypePath))
-        }
-        val arrayData = UnresolvedMapObjects(mapFunction, path)
-        val methodName = elementType match {
-          case c if c == java.lang.Integer.TYPE => "toIntArray"
-          case c if c == java.lang.Long.TYPE => "toLongArray"
-          case c if c == java.lang.Double.TYPE => "toDoubleArray"
-          case c if c == java.lang.Float.TYPE => "toFloatArray"
-          case c if c == java.lang.Short.TYPE => "toShortArray"
-          case c if c == java.lang.Byte.TYPE => "toByteArray"
-          case c if c == java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => "toBooleanArray"
-          // non-primitive
-          case _ => "array"
-        }
-        Invoke(arrayData, methodName, ObjectType(c))
-      case c if ttIsAssignableFrom(listType, typeToken) =>
-        val et = elementType(typeToken)
-        val newTypePath = walkedTypePath.recordArray(et.getType.getTypeName)
-        val (dataType, elementNullable) = inferDataType(et)
-        val mapFunction: Expression => Expression = element => {
-          // upcast the array element to the data type the encoder expected.
-          deserializerForWithNullSafetyAndUpcast(
-            element,
-            dataType,
-            nullable = elementNullable,
-            newTypePath,
-            deserializerFor(et, _, newTypePath))
-        }
-        UnresolvedMapObjects(mapFunction, path, customCollectionCls = Some(c))
-      case _ if ttIsAssignableFrom(mapType, typeToken) =>
-        val (keyType, valueType) = mapKeyValueType(typeToken)
-        val newTypePath = walkedTypePath.recordMap(keyType.getType.getTypeName,
-          valueType.getType.getTypeName)
-        val keyData =
-          Invoke(
-            UnresolvedMapObjects(
-              p => deserializerFor(keyType, p, newTypePath),
-              MapKeys(path)),
-            "array",
-            ObjectType(classOf[Array[Any]]))
-        val valueData =
-          Invoke(
-            UnresolvedMapObjects(
-              p => deserializerFor(valueType, p, newTypePath),
-              MapValues(path)),
-            "array",
-            ObjectType(classOf[Array[Any]]))
-        StaticInvoke(
-          ArrayBasedMapData.getClass,
-          ObjectType(classOf[JMap[_, _]]),
-          "toJavaMap",
-          keyData :: valueData :: Nil,
-          returnNullable = false)
-      case other if other.isEnum =>
-        createDeserializerForTypesSupportValueOf(
-          createDeserializerForString(path, returnNullable = false),
-          other)
-      case other =>
-        val properties = getJavaBeanReadableAndWritableProperties(other)
-        val setters = properties.map { p =>
-          val fieldName = p.getName
-          val fieldType = typeToken.method(p.getReadMethod).getReturnType
-          val (dataType, nullable) = inferDataType(fieldType)
-          val newTypePath = 
walkedTypePath.recordField(fieldType.getType.getTypeName, fieldName)
-          // The existence of `javax.annotation.Nonnull`, means this field is 
not nullable.
-          val hasNonNull = 
-          val setter = expressionWithNullSafety(
-            deserializerFor(fieldType, addToPath(path, fieldName, dataType, 
-              newTypePath),
-            nullable = nullable && !hasNonNull,
-            newTypePath)
-          p.getWriteMethod.getName -> setter
-        }.toMap
-        val newInstance = NewInstance(other, Nil, ObjectType(other), 
propagateNull = false)
-        val result = InitializeJavaBean(newInstance, setters)
-        expressions.If(
-          IsNull(path),
-          expressions.Literal.create(null, ObjectType(other)),
-          result
-        )
+    def unapply(t: Type): Option[(Class[_], Array[Type])] = 
implementsInterface(t).map { cls =>
+      cls -> findTypeArgumentsForInterface(t)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns an expression for serializing an object of the given type to a 
Spark SQL
-   * representation. The input object is located at ordinal 0 of a row, i.e.,
-   * `BoundReference(0, _)`.
-   */
-  def serializerFor(beanClass: Class[_]): Expression = {
-    val inputObject = BoundReference(0, ObjectType(beanClass), nullable = true)
-    val nullSafeInput = AssertNotNull(inputObject, Seq("top level input bean"))
-    serializerFor(nullSafeInput, TypeToken.of(beanClass))
-  }
-  private def serializerFor(inputObject: Expression, typeToken: TypeToken[_]): 
Expression = {
-    def toCatalystArray(input: Expression, elementType: TypeToken[_]): 
Expression = {
-      val (dataType, nullable) = inferDataType(elementType)
-      if (ScalaReflection.isNativeType(dataType)) {
-        val cls = input.dataType.asInstanceOf[ObjectType].cls
-        if (cls.isArray && cls.getComponentType.isPrimitive) {
-          createSerializerForPrimitiveArray(input, dataType)
-        } else {
-          createSerializerForGenericArray(input, dataType, nullable = nullable)
-        }
-      } else {
-        createSerializerForMapObjects(input, 
-          serializerFor(_, elementType))
-      }
+    @tailrec
+    private def implementsInterface(t: Type): Option[Class[_]] = t match {
+      case pt: ParameterizedType => implementsInterface(pt.getRawType)
+      case c: Class[_] if interface.isAssignableFrom(c) => Option(c)
+      case _ => None
-    if (!inputObject.dataType.isInstanceOf[ObjectType]) {
-      inputObject
-    } else {
-      typeToken.getRawType match {
-        case c if c == classOf[String] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.time.Instant] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.sql.Timestamp] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.time.LocalDateTime] =>
-          createSerializerForLocalDateTime(inputObject)
-        case c if c == classOf[java.time.LocalDate] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.sql.Date] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.time.Duration] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.time.Period] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.math.BigInteger] =>
-          createSerializerForBigInteger(inputObject)
-        case c if c == classOf[java.math.BigDecimal] =>
-          createSerializerForBigDecimal(inputObject)
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Boolean] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Byte] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Short] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Integer] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Long] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Float] => 
-        case c if c == classOf[java.lang.Double] => 
-        case _ if typeToken.isArray =>
-          toCatalystArray(inputObject, typeToken.getComponentType)
-        case _ if ttIsAssignableFrom(listType, typeToken) =>
-          toCatalystArray(inputObject, elementType(typeToken))
-        case _ if ttIsAssignableFrom(mapType, typeToken) =>
-          val (keyType, valueType) = mapKeyValueType(typeToken)
-          createSerializerForMap(
-            inputObject,
-            MapElementInformation(
-              ObjectType(keyType.getRawType),
-              nullable = true,
-              serializerFor(_, keyType)),
-            MapElementInformation(
-              ObjectType(valueType.getRawType),
-              nullable = true,
-              serializerFor(_, valueType))
-          )
-        case other if other.isEnum =>
-          createSerializerForString(
-            Invoke(inputObject, "name", ObjectType(classOf[String]), 
returnNullable = false))
-        case other =>
-          val properties = getJavaBeanReadableAndWritableProperties(other)

Review Comment:
   The behavior was apparently there before I got to it, this is PR that fixed 
it later: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/42829
   For the record there is no specification here, only tests.

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