What do you think about change the OS overcommit_memory to 2 instead of 0???


2012/11/26 Moisés Barba Pérez <mbarpe...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
>    This is the end of graph I have get whit the command (while true; do ps
> -o 'vsz,rss' <PID>; sleep 60; done). Looks like there is not a big increase
> at any point. I had set swappiness to 10 and the ns-slapd lives for 2 days
> approx.
> Any idea?
> [image: Imágenes integradas 1]
> Regards, Moses.
> 2012/11/23 Moisés Barba Pérez <mbarpe...@gmail.com>
>> I'm monitoring it right now, sending it on monday.
>> Anyway, is there any tunning configuration for number of connections,
>> memory, etc... that I can follow?? I have use
>> https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/8.2/html/Performance_Tuning_Guide/system-tuning.htmland
>> http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Performance_Tuning but I don't
>> know if there is some specific for serveral databases, or multiple
>> replication agreements, or very high number of searches (I have 27 database
>> and 60 replication agreements and about 200 searches per second at rush
>> hours)
>> Regards, Moses
>> 2012/11/23 Ludwig Krispenz <lkris...@redhat.com>
>>>  Hi,
>>> from the data you show, the server process should never reach 11GB, so
>>> It could be that you run into a memory leak. Could you monitor process size
>>> growth ?
>>> Start the server, prime the caches for all backends and monitor process
>>> growth, eg running regular
>>> ps -o 'vsz,rss' <pid>
>>> See how fast the process grows, if it is steadily or if there is a
>>> pattern and you can relate it to some cliend load.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ludwig
>>> On 11/22/2012 02:33 PM, Moisés Barba Pérez wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>  I have been searching for memory usage in the server. This are the
>>> results:
>>>  389-ds 1.2.5 in a CentOS 5.5 64bits 4GB ram and 6GB swap
>>>  * The ns-slapd proccess reaches 11GB of virtual memory. pmap shows
>>> multiple [anon] using the bigger part of that 11G virtual memory. I think
>>> the [anon] are memory reservation from malloc and mmap but I don't know
>>> what call this.
>>>  * Looking for cachememsize using this search for one of the database
>>>  ldapsearch -H ldaps://localhost -x -LLL -b
>>> "cn=monitor,cn=o_xxxx,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config" -D
>>> "cn=Directory Manager" -W "(objectclass=*)" | grep entrycache
>>> Enter LDAP Password:
>>> entrycachehitratio: 99
>>>  currententrycachesize: 49973691
>>> maxentrycachesize: 125829120
>>> currententrycachecount: 6521
>>> maxentrycachecount: -1
>>>  I have prime that database searching all entries with -> ldapsearch -H
>>> ldaps://localhost -x -LLL -b "o=cabu,dc=sacyl,dc=es" -D "cn=directory
>>> manager" -W "(objectclass=*)" 1.1 | grep dn: | wc -l
>>> The result is 7610 entries in that database, so looking the monitor
>>> again:
>>>  currententrycachesize: 59315175
>>> maxentrycachesize: 125829120
>>> currententrycachecount: 7611
>>>  The id2entry.db4 for that database is 59539456 so I guess I can reduce
>>> the cachememsize from 125829120 to about 60000000 Correct me if I am wrong.
>>> And the same for all the another database.
>>>  * Now dbcachesize:
>>>  ldapsearch -H ldaps://localhost -x -LLL -b "cn=monitor, cn=ldbm
>>> database, cn=plugins,cn=config" -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W
>>> "(objectclass=*)"  | grep dbcache
>>> Enter LDAP Password:
>>> dbcachehits: 1440910461
>>> dbcachetries: 1440919648
>>> dbcachehitratio: 99
>>> dbcachepagein: 9187
>>> dbcachepageout: 128041
>>> dbcacheroevict: 9265
>>> dbcacherwevict: 0
>>>  In some place I have read that dbcacheroevict and dbcachepageout
>>> should be 0 or increase the dbcachesize but if the ratio is 99 that should
>>> be ok, right?
>>>  The thing is, if i search with db_stat for cache statistics says
>>> ratio=99
>>>   db_stat -h /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-xxx/db/ -m
>>> 0 Total cache size
>>>  1 Number of caches
>>> 800MB Pool individual cache size
>>> 0 Maximum memory-mapped file size
>>> 0 Maximum open file descriptors
>>> 0 Maximum sequential buffer writes
>>> 0 Sleep after writing maximum sequential buffers
>>> 0 Requested pages mapped into the process' address space
>>> 1448M Requested pages found in the cache (99%)
>>> 9588 Requested pages not found in the cache
>>> 112 Pages created in the cache
>>> 9588 Pages read into the cache
>>> 129932 Pages written from the cache to the backing file
>>> 9668 Clean pages forced from the cache
>>> 1 Dirty pages forced from the cache
>>> 0 Dirty pages written by trickle-sync thread
>>> 98066 Current total page count
>>> 98005 Current clean page count
>>> 61 Current dirty page count
>>> 131071 Number of hash buckets used for page location
>>> 1447M Total number of times hash chains searched for a page (1447895423)
>>> 5 The longest hash chain searched for a page
>>> 2819M Total number of hash buckets examined for page location
>>> (2819107178)
>>> 932 The number of hash bucket locks that required waiting (0%)
>>> 86 The maximum number of times any hash bucket lock was waited for
>>> 1 The number of region locks that required waiting (0%)
>>> 9728 The number of page allocations
>>> 60012 The number of hash buckets examined during allocations
>>> 1381 The maximum number of hash buckets examined for an allocation
>>> 9669 The number of pages examined during allocations
>>> 1 The max number of pages examined for an allocation
>>>  If I look for an index like inetuserstatus (pres and eq) I get
>>> "Requested pages found in the cache" less than 99% so I search for
>>> "inetuserstatus=*" (pres) and "inetuserstatus=active",
>>> "inetuserstatus=inactive" (eq) but the "requested pages" don't reaches the
>>> 99  or 100% and there is no more possibilities for that index.
>>>  The thing is, why ns-sldapd is growing to consume all the swap and all
>>> the ram memory the SO lets it.
>>>  Any idea or suggestion???
>>> 2012/11/15 Ludwig Krispenz <lkris...@redhat.com>
>>>>  you could use
>>>> ldapsearch ... -b  "cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config" "cn=monitor"
>>>> currententrycachesize
>>>> to monitor the usage of the entrycache.
>>>> But be aware that the process uses more memory than just the caches and
>>>> the memory manager can also generate some overhead.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ludwig
>>>> On 11/15/2012 02:55 PM, Moisés Barba Pérez wrote:
>>>> yes, thats correct, but shouldn't use all that memory because don't
>>>> need so much memory
>>>> 2012/11/15 Ludwig Krispenz <lkris...@redhat.com>
>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>> On 11/15/2012 01:54 PM, Moisés Barba Pérez wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>  I have a memory issue with 389-ds 1.2.5 in a CentOS 5.5 64bits 4GB
>>>>> ram.
>>>>>  The server swaps when the server physical memory increase over 75%
>>>>> approx. When the swap is full the server reaches 100% of physical memory
>>>>> and the SO kills the ns-ldapd process.
>>>>>  Out of memory: Killed process 30383, UID 99, (ns-slapd).
>>>>>  The cache sizes are:
>>>>>  nsslapd-dbcachesize: 838860800
>>>>> nsslapd-import-cachesize: 20000000
>>>>> nsslapd-cachememsize: 125829120 (for each 26 db)
>>>>>  do you mean you have 26 db backends with 125MB entrycache each ? So
>>>>> you would reach 3.2GB for entrycache and 800MB dbcache.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ludwig
>>>>>  Which can be the problem?
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