Hi, I forget to add aci to 389-ds. Now, I try it with commands below:
1. sudo dsconf -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' ldap://localhost:389 plugin 
root-dn enable and I get result Enabled plugin 'RootDN Access Control'.
2. sudo ldapmodify -f aci.ldif -x -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' -w 
1234567890. But the result modifying entry "dc=example,dc=org" ldap_modify: No 
such object (32). Here's my aci.ldif file:

dn: dc=example,dc=org
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (targetattr="dc || description || 
objectClass")(targetfilter="(objectClass=domain)")(version 3.0; acl "Enable 
anyone domain read"; allow (read, search, compare)(userdn="ldap:///anyone";);)
aci: (targetattr="ou || 
objectClass")(targetfilter="(objectClass=organizationalUnit)")(version 3.0; acl 
"Enable anyone ou read"; allow (read, search, 


I also add those steps in my GitHub repo if you would like to check: 
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