Remy Gendron wrote:
> I have found some Atom XSDs. but is there one that
> is more 'official' than the others?
> Am I right into believing that the Atom spec does
> not come with a XSD?

There is no official XSD or Relax NG for Atom. Even the base Atom syntax (as
defined in RFC 4287) cannot be described fully with XSD or Relax NG. Even
the prose of RFC 4287 doesn't fully define the syntax. For example, some
parts of the specification and some Atom tools (including validators) rely
on some whitespace in Atom documents being considered insignificant, but
there is no definition of insignificant whitespace in the specification.

What do you need the XSD for? If you just need it to improve your editor's
syntax highlighting and code completion then I would try to generate the XSD
from the Relax NG; just keep in mind that it is not 100% correct. If you
need to validate Atom entries or feeds then I would use one of the
validators that are available. The one is open-source
Python, and I have developed another one in Python that I could share with


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