I'm sorry of not being able to help you about the use of the AG connector for 
AG3, unfortunately we are still trying to build up our venueserver/nodes based 
on the AG2.4. However you experience of it on the 2.4 could be very precious to 
us. We tried using the AGconnector (in order to bypass NAT/firewall problems) 
but with no luck: after a while we get the message telling that the server used 
for the connector was unreacheable. Which AG connector server URL should be use 
to have it work?
Thank you very much for your help,
Faber B.

owner-ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov scritti il 01/08/2006 22:58:16

> Hi
> Has anyone used AGConnector with AG3?
> I,ve installed the package and umtp_win32.exe shows up in the task
> manager but it does not appear to be working. I always had good
> results with AG2.4 and AGConnector from Home.
> Thanks
> Mike
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