
In my project, we use Acegi Security with LDAP authentication, and we 
have to handle "Password Policy", so I developed some code to handle it.

As it seems to work, I would like to share it to Acegi community.
So, what is the process for that ? I read 
http://www.acegisecurity.org/policies.html, but it seems that it is for 
"core" developers. Nonetheless, I think that (external) contribution 
must follow some rules... For example, what license the code must be 
released under ? Does Acegi need some kind of copyright transfer ? Or 
perhaps, that is not necessary for code that (might) go(es) to the 
sandbox ? Moreover, there is a problem with my code : I did not use any 
bit of existing code in sandbox for password policy (I discovered it as 
my code was already written).

For now, the code is already available under ASF 2.0 here : 
http://forge.objectweb.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=162 (package 
ldap-passwordpolicy-0.1.jar). The source code is available with svn at 
this adress :
There is also a svn viewer, but it isn't synchronized : 
If we are lucky, it should be done tomorrow.

Quick description of the code :
The code add the PasswordPolicy request control when a binding operation 
is required for authentication. It process the response, and there is 4 
cases that are relevant for us :
- bind error, account locked => throws Acegisecurity standard 
LockedException ;
- bind error, password expired => throws Acegisecurity standard 
CredentialsExpiredException ;
- bind ok, but the response control contains a warning "password will 
expire in x seconds"
    => add to the LdapUserDetails the control so that it may be 
processed by the application ;
- bind ok, but the response control contains a warning "n graces remaining"
    => throws PasswordMustBeChangedException. Ok, its an authentication 
exception, but it seems to me that it is the best think to do, because 
the user _have_to_ change his password. Any other request to the LDAP 
directory will throw an exception, and in particular retrieving user 
details is impossible. With this exception, we signal to the application 
that the user have to change is password before doing anything else. 
Well, I'm not sure it is the best thing to do, and I will enjoy your 
commentaries :)

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
Groupe Linagora - http://www.linagora.com
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28
InterLDAP - http://interldap.org 
FederID - http://www.federid.org/
Open Source identities management and federation

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