Hi everyone

I've just checked in some improvements to Petclinic RCP, which I'd appreciate your feedback on.

There are now two versions. PetclinicStandalone.java loads the "embedded database" edition. PetclinicClientServer.java uses remoting protocols to access http://localhost:8080/petclinic-server/ws (web services). There are also Windows BATch files for loading each of these from the command line.

Petclinic's Ant "warfile" target now also creates a WAR file which can be deployed to your servlet container. This is what provides the web services destination mentioned above. Visiting the webapp's home page also provides you two links, to each of the JNLP (Java Web Start) enabled versions. For JNLP to work, I've had to make the Ant script sign the JARs. Check out project.properties for a link to how to obtain and setup a free Thawte certificate for code signing.

The PetclinicClientServer edition also correctly checks the presented username and password against the remote server, obtaining the user's granted authorities. When validated, it goes through and sets the username and password on all Spring remoting proxy factory beans. A logout event nulls these factory usernames and passwords.

I plan on adding method invocation security to the editions and access control list security later today. It's 95% just using declarative configuration, as Acegi Security provides most of this out-of-the-box.

Look forward to your feedback.

Best regards

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