bryan wrote:

Then my methods that are in the orderService class can call systemUserHolder.getSystemUser.getId() and do searches for example where the user is only allowed
to see financial data for a certain region.

I am very much new to Spring so if I'm completely off the mark here feel free to flame me. I think this code will be a good reference implimentation if I can get it working good.


Hi Bryan

Not sure what you're trying to do, but on first glance there should be no need to have your orderServiceTarget have a reference to systemUserHolder. Typically any security checks would take place within an AccessDecisionVoter, which is handed the Authentication object directly. Should the Authentication object require some custom methods, you'd probably achieve that by implementing a custom AuthenticationDao (assuming you're using DaoAuthenticationProvider, which is most common). Now if the custom methods only relate to access control, you'd be well served to check out the new net.sf.acegisecurity.acl.basic package, as it would probably solve your goals in a more efficient way.

If you could let the list know what you're trying to achieve at a functional level, we'd be able to point you to specific classes and interfaces to implement etc.

Best regards

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