Tim Kettering wrote:

Like say, if I made a method call to return all items in the database between dates A and B. I would need to run the security check on the collection after the data load to ensure that only the allowed objects are loaded.

It sure can. The filtering takes place when a Collection is returned from a secured method. For example, in the Contacts sample we now have a ContactManager method: public List getAll(). This just returns all Contacts in the database. We then have the following defined against the MethodSecurityInterceptor:


ROLE_USER is a "before" invocation voter, as you'd know from the normal RoleVoter implementation.

AFTER_ACL_COLLECTION_READ calls the following "after" invocation voter:

<bean id="afterAclCollectionRead" class="net.sf.acegisecurity.afterinvocation.BasicAclEntryAfterInvocationCollectionFilteringProvider">
<property name="aclManager"><ref local="aclManager"/></property>
<property name="requirePermission">
<value>1</value> <!-- SimpleAclEntry.ADMINISTER -->
<value>2</value> <!-- SimpleAclEntry.READ -->

This filters the returned Collection so it only contains elements for which an ACL "administer" or "read" permission exists (BTW if someone has time to write something or show me a better way of defining an int[] using static variables, it would be great).

Best regards

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