Ben & all,
I don't see any items that I'd be able to tackle, so if others feel the same way, I'd suggest moving them to 1.0.1 or

Quoting Ben Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi everyone

I would like to release 1.0.0 final on Friday 26 May. All JIRA issues assigned to me are now either completed or marked for a future release.

Please note that source code reformatting with Jalopy has been completed (SEC-97) and the /jalopy.xml file revised. One of the changes included going from 80 character to 120 character word wrapping (we all have wide screens by now, right?). Committers, please re-import this file into your IDE Jalopy plugin and ensure that all source code is formatted prior to committing.

There are presently eight JIRA issues outstanding for 1.0.0 final, as listed in the roadmap:

Would Luke, Scott and Marc Antoine please check these eight issues and either close them or assign them to a future release ASAP. None of them look critical except for SEC-270.

A number of desired major feature improvements have been deferred to 1.0.1 or 1.1.0. These most notably include the refactored ACL services (SEC-239) and configuration simplification (SEC-271). These are two items I would have liked to see in 1.0.0, but we simply ran out of time. The sandbox contains some code for the ACL refactoring, so I'd like to invite existing ACL users to take a look and provide feedback.


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