Aotearoa Digital Arts Network is excited to announce the Call for Proposals for the symposium 'Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream', in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, 24-26 May 2024.

Submissions due: 21 January 2024

Who is listening? How did it know? Where to next?

The symposium 'Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream' explores the increasing sophistication of machine learning and artificial intelligence, its growing accessibility for artists and the general consumer, and its influence on wider society as we navigate complex environmental, social and economic issues worldwide. In our digitally ubiquitous era, we ask if technology can solve the wicked problems of our time or if it is exacerbating them? How have powerful machine learning-driven tools impacted contemporary cultural production? How are artists in Aotearoa navigating this shifting landscape?

The kaupapa of the symposium will be open inquiry and a spirit of exploration. Through critically examining how these technologies operate, the symposium seeks to bring together experts in relevant fields, artists engaging with machine learning and AI, industry professionals and early adopters, with the intention of sharing knowledge, application and experimentation. We ask, how do we understand these novel technologies through an aesthetic lens? What is AI's influence on our current knowledge systems?

ADA invites the submission of expressions of interest from interested parties for artworks, performances, workshops, demonstrations, papers, and facilitated discussions to be considered as part of 'Rising Algorithms: Navigate, Automate, Dream'. We encourage submissions that engage with the diversity of machine learning and AI practices, attentive not just to its potential as a critical applied practice, but also its current ethics, exclusions and barriers.

To see the full theme discussion and submission guidelines, and to submit your proposal visit [1]

Symposium presentations:

ADA invites expressions of interest for research papers (including academic papers, experience reports and case studies), panel sessions, demonstrations and workshops:

- Long paper: 30min slot (20 for paper, 10 for discussion)
- Short paper: 15min slot (10 for paper, 5 for discussion)
- Panel Discussion: 60min (45 for panellists, 15 for discussion)
- Workshop: 2-3 hours hands-on activity.
- Demonstration: 30min (20 for demonstration, 10 for discussion)

Performance Evening:

ADA invites expressions of interest for short performances and screen works to be presented at the opening symposium event at Vogelmorn Community. Works can span music, performance art, poetry, film and performative programs.

Online works:

ADA invites submissions of web-based works to be included in their online program.
The ADA symposium supports remote presentations.

Important Dates

Submissions due by 21 January 2024
Confirmation of acceptance 2 February
Symposium 24-26 May 2024

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