
I'm the one that answered your OTN question. I didn't realize you were spending days and weeks of research on this! I'm sorry about that. I was told you found a different component.

I'd say it is impossible to do what you want to do unless you add these image 'hooks' in base.desktop's ProcessTrainRenderer.java. You would need to muck with the rendering code to put in additional skinnable hoos like those that are there already. Then you would set those image hooks to either null images, or very basic images in the SimpleDesktopSkin. Then, you would document these hooks, like we do in the skin-selectors.xml document, and the end user (you?) can add their own images to these hooks, and make the processTrain look like the one in the 'oracle' skin.

I haven't had a good look at the base ProcessTrainRenderer, so I'm not sure how hard it would be to put in the hooks that you need.

The ADF Faces code is now in apache, and renamed to Trinidad. You can create an issue


, and maybe someone can fix this issue for you. Or you could check out the code and make the contribution yourself. It would be reviewed and committed by someone with committer status.

I hope this helps. Maybe you'll get additional suggestions on this forum.

- Jeanne



After some days/weeks of research done by a small group of people and the facts that we havn't found a lot of useful information, i'm turning to this dev mailing list in a hope that someone might know the information we are looking for !

The main goal is to allow a ProcessTrain component to be fully skinnable. More precisely, to make every aspect of it be aliased to a user created image. From the information gathered so far, a skinning file (the .css) permits the modification of 4 aspects (images) which are Visited / Unvisited / Active / Disabled. This was answered in the forum under the link below... from someone who's part of this mailing list =) ! (thx for that answer btw)

However, this isn't sufficient to our needs, thus we kept digging to see if the "rendering engine" itself could somehow be modified so the images used by it to create the visual look of the ProcessTrain could be modified.
Those images (the 19   *.gif starting with the letter "t") are hold in :

While digging in the code, we ended at the Configuration.java, which is under the path :

Clearly, from this class definition, it is possible in a way to get the URI and get the Path since both method exists. This is where we met our wall and thus bring my question that follow.

Is it possible to access the information (probably a sort of collection or table array) where the intern references are kept that link the images used to render a ProcessTrain ? Or, is this rendering and aliasing of those images kept out of reach from the developper, thus, what we are trying to do, is in fact impossible currently?

If someone is knowledgeable enough to answer those questions (be it only partly) any pieces of informations would help us at this point.

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