At the moment, although this plugin builds up general-purpose data
structures from the XML metadata, it currently only supports generation of
Trinidad UIComponents extending UIXComponentBase with FacesBean, etc.

But the intention all along was to make it just as easy to generate
UIComponents extending UIComponentBase that use bean property storage, and
reflection-based Map access to bean properties, as is done in the spec

The next logical step would be to factor out the code generation into
templates, driven by the same data structures described above, and choose
either the Trinidad or Spec template depending on the superclass of
UIComponentBase or UIXComponentBase.

Kind Regards,
John Fallows.

On 7/15/06, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


in ADF_BUILD there is a folder ([1]) which uses the maven-faces-plugin
to generate components. This particular folder contains the
*subfolders* adf and javax.

I only noticed that only "adf" is used. Is there any special setting
needed to generate javax.faces.*** stuff with this plugin (without
FacesBean etc) ?

would be interesting, b/c of JSF 1.2 is on the todo list for the
MyFaces Core team.



Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

Author: Pro JSF and Ajax: Building Rich Internet Components, Apress

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