Ok, I figured out what is going on.

If we want our manifest.mf file in our jar to show the implementation version, then we need to: 1. Add a manifest.mf file in the META-INF directory that has the implementation-version in it.
2. Add this configuration element to the pom.xml file:
*        <configuration>
</configuration>* <executions>

We are missing both of these.

Does anyone object to my adding this to get our version in the manifest.mf that's in the jar?
Should I do this for the api jar as well?
What should the version string be? This string will be in the generated css file, at least for now. I plan to raise another issue regarding the version string in the filename, but that can wait.


- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

I know how this could work (is supposed to work?), because we are doing something similar in our internal project . We have a MANIFEST.MF file in the impl's META-INF directory that defines implementation-version, and I think mvn automatically appends this information into the impl jar's MANIFEST.MF file. In Trinidad, though, I don't see this MANIFEST.MF file in the impl's META-INF directory. If I add it myself, do mvn clean install, it still doesn't work. But then after looking into it for our internal project, I found that it stopped working recently there, too.

Anyway, Bud and I are looking into it, and I'll keep you posted. If you know something that I am missing, let me know. :)


Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi Adam,
That's what I figured based, but I don't see the implementation version in the manifest.mf. So I should have asked, how does it get in the manifest.mf file? Maybe I'm not building the jars with the correct flag.
I'm using "mvn install jdev:jdev".

- Jeanne

Adam Winer wrote:

The implementation version is defined in the manifest;
since we're going from the StyleSheetDocumentParser's
Package object, that should be the trinidad-impl.jar's

-- Adam

On 1/19/07, Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I see that when I run a demo jspx file, the generated css file has
"unknown-version" in the name.
The reason, I believe, is that the 'implPkg.getImplementationVersion()'
in the below code is returning null.
Why is this? Where are we setting (or supposed to be setting) the
implementation version exactly?
Does anyone else see this problem?
I think this code was added in this JIRA issue:


   // If the document version is ${trinidad-version}, replace it
    // with the version number right out of our manifest
    if ("${trinidad-version}".equals(_documentVersion))
      Class<StyleSheetDocumentParser> implClass =
      Package implPkg = implClass.getPackage();
if ((implPkg != null) && (implPkg.getImplementationVersion() != null))
        _documentVersion =
        _documentVersion = "unknown-version";

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