Sorry for the delay (board report time)..

- Source jar contains target directory (probably need to do an exclude of that 
- Source jar src/site don't contain licenses
- Javadoc jar don't contain any notices and license (since javadoc is generated 
the html doesn't
need apache headers)

Not blocking :

In the MANIFEST.MF file I am missing the version of the plugin (for the 
trinidad core a lot more
important) and also the build version is 1.5. Don't know if that is the target 
/ needed ? (afaik
trinidad core is 1.5)

If you fix the source and javadoc I am +1 :)

Sorry for the tough crowd. On the other hand : if you get it right once, you 
should be able to get
it right everywhere :)


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally managed to get some release artifacts published to a "stage
> repo". I used my private Apache account for that ([1]).
> Please take a look at the "1.0.0-incubating" artifacts and vote if we
> should take these file to ask the Incubator PMC for approval
> ------------------------------------------------
> [ ] +1 (Binding) for PPMC members only
> [ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
> [ ] +0
> [ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
>         and why..............
> ------------------------------------------------
> Thanks,
> Matthias
> [1]

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