I guess +1  The spec only truly requires this for messages
that are created by the JSF implementation, but it's common
practice to apply this to other messages.

-- Adam

On 3/13/07, Gabrielle Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 +1 This seems to match the spec, which defines the algorithm below, so we'd
just use org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.resource.MessageBundle
instead of javax.faces.Messages.

The following algorithm must be used to create a FacesMessage instance given
a message
 ■ Call getMessageBundle() on the Application instance for this web
 to determine if the application has defined a resource bundle name. If so,
load that
 ResourceBundle and look for the message there.
 ■ If not there, look in the javax.faces.Messages resource bundle.


 On 3/10/2007 11:04 AM, Simon Lessard wrote:
Hello all,

 Currently, LocaleUtils loads resources from the embedded
 org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.resource.MessageBundle class
before checking for
 the FacesMessage.FacesMessages bundle, leaving the application specific
 bundle completely out of the process, effectivelly preventing users from
 overloading the predefined Trinidad messages. Currently, the only
 for this is the create a class named
 org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.resource.MessageBundle in your
project and pray
 for the AS ClassLoader to load it before the jarred one. Therefore, I think
 we should add the application defined (in faces-config.xml) ResourceBundle
 as the top priority bundle for text resources.

 Any comments?


 ~ Simon

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