OK, I've posted an initial patch so client-side validation matches
server-side here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ADFFACES-391

Feedback gratefully received.


Attached patch file will provide an alternative client-side validation mode
where message layout and appearance exactly follows the server-side mode. It
renders hidden (skinned) elements that are dynamically populated with error
text and displayed if c/s validation fails for a given component. The 'X'
icon is also dynamically displayed. This works for input fields rendered
inside or outside of panelForm.

It contains certain changes to FormRenderer so that is will render a
different validation method depending on the setting below. _multiValidate
method was modified so it returns a 2d array of id, message which is then
processed by either _validateAlert() or _validateInline. FormRenderer now
uses the return value of the above methods to determine if submit can occur.

Outstanding features:
* Public js method that can be added to onblur (eg.
onblur="validateField(this);") to enable immediate validation of fields.
* Test with fields in tables

I guess this setting would be more at home in trinidad-config.xml though.
 [ Show ยป <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ADFFACES-391> ]
[16/Mar/07 08:59 AM] Attached patch file will provide an alternative
client-side validation mode where message layout and appearance exactly
follows the server-side mode. It renders hidden (skinned) elements that are
dynamically populated with error text and displayed if c/s validation fails
for a given component. The 'X' icon is also dynamically displayed. This
works for input fields rendered inside or outside of panelForm. It contains
certain changes to FormRenderer so that is will render a different
validation method depending on the setting below. _multiValidate method was
modified so it returns a 2d array of id, message which is then processed by
either _validateAlert() or _validateInline. FormRenderer now uses the return
value of the above methods to determine if submit can occur. Outstanding
features: * Public js method that can be added to onblur (eg.
onblur="validateField(this);") to enable immediate validation of fields. *
Test with fields in tables I guess this setting would be more at home in
trinidad-config.xml though. <context-param> <param-name>
<param-value>true</param-value> </context-param>

On 3/1/07, Adam Winer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Trinidad already has essentially the same functionality - input components
can be marked as autoSubmit, at which point tabbing out will automatically
trigger a server-side submit, and error messages will be automatically
inserted into tr:messages, if present.  (There's an existing bug where
the inline messages don't show up).

-- Adam

On 3/1/07, Peter Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> On 28/02/07, Danny Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would there be support for an enhancement to the client-side
> so
> > that it behaves in the same way as the server-side logic?  Meaning,
> get
> > rid of the javascript alert dialog and instead dyanamically show/hide
> the
> > error messages in the page.
> You should look at the way this is done in A4J - the server side
> validators are used: the onblur of the input causes it's value to be
> sent, and then rendering any error messages (in the normal places),
> again using ajax.  Very neat IMO.
> Pete

Chordiant Software Inc.

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