Hi... every one..!!!
I have a TSM Server version and y 4 DLT Quantum 8000. The problem
is when the server startup. I suppose that I have a conflict whit the
device driver of TSM (adsmscsi.sys) and the native driver of tape drivers
When it is running the adsmscsi.sys, the drivers of quantum doesn't work
and can't startup. And when I want try a media labeling operation, I
receive a message error "unsupported operation"
Anybody know what is the problem or is the adsmscsi.sys support the quantum
dlt 8000 ?
Thank you very much for your help....
Best regards.

Christian Astuni
IBM Global Services
Tel. 4898-4621
Hipolito Yrigoyen 2149  - Martínez (1640) Bs. As. - Argentina

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