On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 08:19:29AM -0800, Cook, Dwight E wrote:
> Uhmmmm not reported as in the library by who ?  TSM or the Library Manager
> ???

TSM wouldn't see the tapes. A databse search for volumes on the Library
Manager showed the tapes.

> So in manual mode, once a tape is requested, mounted, & dismounted... IF it
> is required again, the drive will show the tapes original location with a
> "?" to let you know it might be ~on top of a frame somewhere~ (that's where
> I pile them anyway).
> Now I always got into arguments with CE's because when we would go back to
> auto mode, I'd always put the tapes back into their expected cells BUT the
> CE would say I had to check them in through the I/O station.  For a while
> the library microcode would look at these inserted tapes as ~duplicate
> volsers~ and hose me up because when the library needed the volume it would
> go look in the initial location, wouldn't find the tape, report it as lost,
> and require a full re-inventory BUT that was all some  4-5 years ago.  I
> believe anymore with the library microcode available about 2 years ago (last
> time we upgraded any) it doesn't matter if you put them back yourself prior
> to going auto again OR just going auto and sticking them in the I/O station.
> Might have your CE check the code level on your internal PC and upgrade...

Hmm, we upgraded the PC microcode about 8 months ago.

> Did you happen to catch what category was reported for those volumes
> (manually mounted) ?

Nope, but a 'mtlib -l/dev/lmcp0 -qI|grep XXXXXX' showed this:
D00172 012C 02 10 01 (As far as i remember).
Notice this  ^

Best Regards
Emil S. Hansen - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ESH14-DK
UNIX Administrator, Berlingske IT - www.bit.dk
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