I currently have a 60GB TSM database mirrored for a total of 120GB (also
including Recovery logs 5 GB each 10GB total).  I have heard that this is
big for 1 Server and would like to ask if other TSMers split their Servers
and what is the rule of thumb.  It took 8 hours to restore DB at DR vs the
4 hours the year b4 with 30GB DB (also mirrored with Recovery logs).  I
cannot get my 120 monthly backups done because we use backupset and have
no-collocate causing some Backupsets to run 48 hours not to mention hogging
tape drives.  (I run 2 backupsets per night using 4 tape drives and the
other 6 for TSM daily).  I was going to run fulls on 1 weekend per month
and not worry the rest of the month, but a full takes up a lot more than a
backupset in the DB.  Hence my dilemma, If the DB keeps getting bigger DR
will be a waste just restoring the TSM DB.  We also have a 3494 tape
library with 10 tape drives and I was wondering if I went to a 2nd server
how would the 3494 tape library be handled.  So, I ask for the Almighty TSM
spirit to lead me finding the resolution to the dilemma (that be you guys
and gals)

Thank You,
Bill Rosette
Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International

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