Yours has a bit more detail. We do DR plan and backup of config files
and DB at thesame time, back them up to 8MM outside the TSM environment,
and take that 8MM offsite, leaving a copy of the DB backup on disk.

> creation of copypool volumes
> Migration from disk to cartridge
> DB backup and config files
> Checkout offsite vols..........(no longer done because primary
storage pool tape library and copypool tape library are in different
locations. So cartridges no longer handled manually
> Expiration (which triggers reclamation)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/20/03 11:50AM >>>
        Ours is slightly different,

        set migration thresholds to just less than the size of a tape,
migration will go on during backups.

        Backups (we have enough disk to hold 3-4 days of incrementals,
so we
do cache files)
        creation of copypool volumes (from disk pools first, then tape
        backup devconfig and volhist
        purge volhist of old stuff
        db backup
        make DR plan file
        eject copypool tape volumes and db backup, put dr plan on
media to go with the db backup.
        Expiration (which triggers reclamation)

        from time to time, I have also done a 'backup diskpool
wait=y', and 'backup tapepool copypool'
        before backups to make sure everything that can be is already
on a
copypool tape.  the copypool tape
        is appended to at the end of the nightly process.

        my morning script follow:

        /* Daily Backup Activities */
        /* executed by the dailybackup command schedule */
        backup stg diskdata copypool wait=y
        backup stg diskdirs copypool wait=y
        backup stg tapedata copypool wait=y
        move drmedia * wherest=courier wait=y
        backup devconfig
        backup volhist
        delete volhist type=all todate=today-62
        delete volhist type=db todate=today-2
        /* backup db, scratch=yes, type=full, wait=yes */
        backup db dev=ltoclass1 scratch=y type=full wait=y
        prepare wait=yes
        move drmedia * wherestate=mo rem=bulk wait=yes
        update stg diskdata hi=0 lo=0
        update stg diskdirs hi=0 lo=0
        expire inventory wait=yes
        update stg diskdata hi=20 lo=3 cache=y
        update stg diskdirs hi=90 lo=5 cache=y
        move drmedia * wherestate=courierr wait=yes
        move drmedia * wherestate=mo rem=bulk wait=yes
        move drmedia * wherestate=notmountable -
          wait=yes rem=bulk
        /* */
 the move drmedia is a figment of having DRM.
If someone has a better way, please let me know.  ... Always trolling
constructive criticism.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lawrence Clark [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:36 AM
> Subject:      Re: Order of daily administrative events
> Backups
> creation of copypool volumes
> Migration from disk to cartridge
> DB backup
> Expiration (which triggers reclamation)
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/20/03 11:28AM >>>
> I was just wondering what order that most TSM users have their daily
> processes running (IE: Migration, Expiration, Reclaim etc).
> It seems that those process times were set up wrong when our TSM
> was first installed.
> Our process schedule looks this way right now. I know its way off
> from what it should be.
> Any suggestions? I know I need to put EXPIRATION first.
> thanks,
> Tommy Templeton
> Senior System Administrator
> 601-359-3106
> e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Scheduled Start          Actual Start             Schedule Name
> Status
> --------------------     --------------------     -------------
> ---------
> 02/19/03 06:00:00        02/19/03 06:00:16        BACKUPSTG_D-
> Completed        Backup disk storagepool
>                                                    ISK
> 02/19/03 06:15:00        02/19/03 06:15:17        BACKUPSTG_T-
> Completed         Backup tape storagepool
> 02/19/03 07:30:00        02/19/03 07:30:18        BACKUPSTG_O-
> Failed               Backup tape offsitepool FFSITE
> 02/19/03 09:00:00        02/19/03 09:00:19        RESET_MIGR_-
> Completed          Reset threshold for migrate to tape pool low
>                                                    LOW
> 02/19/03 11:00:00        02/19/03 11:00:20        RESET_RECLA-
> Completed          Reset threshold for reclamation of offsitepool1
>                                                    IM_OFFSITE-
>                                                    _LOW
> 02/19/03 13:00:00        02/19/03 13:03:50        DBBACKUP_FULL
> Completed        TSM database backup
> 02/18/03 14:00:00        02/18/03 14:00:11        EXPIRE_INVE-
> Completed          Expire inventory
>                                                    NTORY
> 02/19/03 14:00:00        02/19/03 14:00:21        RESET_MIGR_-
> Completed           Reset threshold for migrate to tape pool high
>                                                    HIGH
> 02/19/03 14:00:00        02/19/03 14:00:21        RESET_RECLA-
> Completed           Reset threshold for reclamation of tapepool low
>                                                    IM_LOW
> 02/19/03 17:00:00        02/19/03 17:00:21        DELETE_VOL_-
> Completed            Delete volume history file
>                                                    HIST
> 02/19/03 17:00:00        02/19/03 17:00:21        DEL_DBVOL_H-
> Completed            Delete database volume history
>                                                    IST
> 02/19/03 17:15:00        02/19/03 17:15:21        DEL_DBSNAP_-
> Completed            delete dbsnapshot volume history
>                                                    HIST
> 02/19/03 18:00:00        02/19/03 18:00:22        RESET_RECLA-
> Completed            Reset threshold for reclamation of tapepool
>                                                    IM_HIGH
> 02/19/03 18:30:00        02/19/03 18:30:22        RESET_RECL_-
> Completed             Reset threshold for reclaim of copy pool high
>                                                    COPY_HIGH
> 02/19/03 19:00:00        02/19/03 19:00:22        RESET_RECLA-
> Completed             Reset threshold for reclamation of
> offsitepool1high
>                                                    IM_OFFSITE-
>                                                    _HIGH

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