We just upgraded from 4.2.2 to Sunday evening.  It went very
smooth.    One thing I haven't seen mentioned in anyone elses feedback is
the license file.
You should print off a copy of your current license file before you
upgrade.  Once you perform the upgrade, the license info is lost and you
will need to rebuild it.
Another suggestion that support gave me before we started the upgrade is to
not only perform a data base backup, but before that, clean out all of the
DISK storage pools.   They also suggested to backup the volhist and the
devconf, then copy them to another location, just in case you have

                      Sylvia Nergard                                                   
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      .COM>                    cc:                                     
                      Sent by: "ADSM:            Topic:                                
                      Dist Stor                Subject:  Upgrade 4.1.1 to      
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
                      03/04/2003 08:13                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                 

I'm gonna upgrade a TSM server from 4.1.1 to 5.1.6.x on a NT4 server.

I can see through the readme file and the Quick Start Guide that I should
remove the current 4.1.1 TSM installation, and install 5.1.0 /5.1.5 in the
same directory (I was hoping that I could do an uppgrade without moving the
existing TSM software).

Is that all? Will all info about admins, nodes, storage pools remain and
show up in the new TSM server?
Or should I do an export /import og such information?

Anyone had any bad experience about this that I should know of?

Later I'm gonna move the TSM server from the NT4 box to a new physical w2k
server.......but I'll take one thing at a time.

Sylvia Nergård

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