Yes, this is how it works, ...and, This is a Problem.

I frequently make a tape read only if it is having enough I/O errors to
suspect the tape media. So I want to get it out of circulation, perhaps
to send it for recirtification or replacement. (At USD$100/each I do not
casually discard suspect S-DLT tapes!)

But if you are careless about how you do this, it will get reused,
sometimes very quickly. So I always work deliberately - instead of
letting expiration and reclamation remove the data from the suspect
tape, I do a MOVE DATA. Then, with my REUSEDELAY set to 2 days, I have a
chance to grab the tape while it is still Pending.

The best way to remove a suspect tape that is Pending is to do a DELETE
VOL, and then ***IMMEDIATELY*** do a UPDATE LIBVOL <libname> <volname>
STATUS=PRIVATE. If you are slow, it will get reused the very next time
that a scratch tape is needed - there's some kind of logic here that
probably makes sense except in this special circumstance. Then leave it
physically in the library until your next database backup, after which
you can safely remove it.

Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
====== "What would you rather do: Conduct a thorough analysis of =======
===== your finances and adjust your investments accordingly, or be =====
===== tied down next to an anthill and covered with grape jelly?" ======
================= -- Barbara Brotman, Chicago Tribune ==================

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Alexander Verkooijen wrote:

>We have read-only tapes going to pending and then scratch
>all the time.
>So I guess the answer to your question is Yes.
>Alexander Verkooijen
>Senior Systems Programmer
>High Performance Computing
>SARA Computing & Networking Services
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf Of Bill Fitzgerald
>> Sent: vrijdag 3 oktober 2003 18:51
>> Subject: empting a read only tape.
>> Does anyone know if a tape in read only status becomes a
>> scratch tape when it is emptied by expiration or reclamation?
>> William Fitzgerald
>> Software Programmer
>> Munson Medical Center

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