
You are correct, this is an OS/SQL server issue.
You didn't say which SQL Server SP you were running...
We have seen a few problems lately when people have upgraded to
Windows SP4... and then their SQL backups would hang or fail.
This has been fixed by upgrading to SQL 2000 SP3a.

I am sure you have already done this too...verify that the
ID you are running from has SQL sysadmin authority as well as
Full permission properties to the registry.

If that doesn't solve the problem you are seeing, take a
look at this Microsoft KB article.




> B/A client
> TDP for SQL 2.2.1
> Windows 2000 SP4 / SQL Server 2000
> TDP for SQL backup are failing with the following message: ACO5400E The
> Virtual Device Interface is not registered with the Common Object Model.
> I have never seen this one before.  It sounds OS/SQL server related, but
> I haven't confirmed that yet.

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