
The unsupported TSM command

dsmadmc SHOW SLOTS <library_name> -id=admin -password=<password>

will normally show the slots, element numbers, and barcodes.  However, I've
notice that it sometimes shows barcodes and sometimes doesn't, just as the
lbtest utility.  I've never discovered what the difference is when it works.

Do you need to include volumes that aren't checked into TSM?  If not, Q
LIBVOL will show the barcode and home element number of each volume that is
checked into the library via TSM, although it doesn't show the slot number
or tapes that aren't yet checked in.

Bill Smoldt
STORServer, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Mike Crawford
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 10:36 PM
Subject: 3583 Inventory Command

Is there any way to report the barcodes of tapes physically in a 3583?
I'm able
to see the barcodes one at a time, using the Remote Management Unit (web
interface), but I'd prefer a comman-line approach.

Using tapeutil (under Solaris) doesn't quite cut it, unless there is
something I'm not seeing.

The command:
tapeutil -f /dev/rmt/1smc -o inv

reports all the cells, and whether media is present, but not the barcode

Any suggestions?


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