I'm using a scheduled job to fetch campaign conversion data for the last 30 
On the initial fetch (e.g., June 1st), I received a conversion value of 1.
However, when I later fetched the data(eg:- June 15) for the same date , 
there was no conversion data returned .

My questions are as follows:

   1. Is it expected behavior for conversion data to change depending on 
   the day we fetch it from the AdWords API? In other word?
   2. Is it possible for the conversion data to reduce over time? For 
   example, receiving a value of 1 on the first fetch and no data (or zero) 
   on the second fetch for the same date?
   *Since I am persisting the data at our end, I am concerned that 
   discrepancies might arise between the data stored at our end and the data 
   fetched from the API. To mitigate this, should I consider deleting all data 
   for the duration I am fetching, so that the data remains consistent with 
   the AdWords API? *

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