Yep.  Happens al of the time with LoL (league of legends).  There is a few open 
source solutions to that, but they are a pain to setup for the most part.  As 
long as you have plenty of CPU it should be fine though.

We did a gaming center, they had LoL Tournments and they got DDOSed all of the 
time.  Then we ended up doing a 50 meg leased line to the local data center, 
then we had a private IP on the LoL network, no more DDOS šŸ˜Š  lol

Dennis Burgess, Mikrotik Certified Trainer
Author of "Learn RouterOS- Second Editionā€
Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services
Office: 314-735-0270  Website:<>
Create Wireless Coverageā€™s with

From: AF <> On Behalf Of TJ Trout
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 5:36 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Gaming Explanations

Knock on wood, we only get about 1-2 ddos a year with ~10k subs, we have 
blackhole communities setup for mitigation but usually the attack stops before 
we can even identify the attack and destination. "knocks on wood"

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 3:22 PM James Howard 
<<>> wrote:
Could be revenge for something like one of our guys bragged about the other 
day.  He and his buddy were playing and made a bet.  The next guy to get killed 
had to pay the other guy $100 (outside of the game).  Our guy promptly ran up 
behind his buddy in the game and shot him in the back of the head.  He was very 
proud of winning the betā€¦ā€¦

From: AF [<>] On 
Behalf Of Adam Moffett
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Gaming Explanations

Friendly fire is on for realism.  It's so you have to check your targets
and not just turn every corner already shooting, nor can you use
grenades indiscriminately.

As to why they do it, sometimes you can see them losing their temper at
a teammate over some perceived slight then they pop a few rounds into
their buddy.  Sometimes it's retaliation for being killed by their
teammate.  Every now and then you get some person who joins the game
seemingly just to silently shoot their own team in the back.  I don't
know what motivates that last person. Maybe they're an enraged
adolescent who feels powerless in real life and thrills in exercising
power over another person even if it's in a trivial way......or maybe
he's just a dick.

I mostly play older games now, like Day of Defeat.  The community is a
lot smaller and everyone is more polite.

On 1/28/2019 10:03 AM, Jay Weekley wrote:
> I thought team kill was turned of on games like that.
> Nate Burke wrote:
>> So is that something he would have done on purpose?  Why?
>> On 1/28/2019 8:51 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
>>> He killed someone else on his own team.
>>> A large amount of game play is *NOT* centralized, that's why NAT
>>> issues are what they are.
>>> -----
>>> Mike Hammett
>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions 
>>> <><>
>>> <><><><><><><><>
>>> Midwest Internet Exchange 
>>> <><>
>>> <><><><><><>
>>> The Brothers WISP 
>>> <><>
>>> <><>
>>> <><>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Nate Burke" <><>
>>> *To: *"Animal Farm" <><>
>>> *Sent: *Monday, January 28, 2019 8:48:03 AM
>>> *Subject: *[AFMUG] Gaming Explanations
>>> Over the weekend we had to mitigate a DDOS that lasted for a couple
>>> hours, not minutes like we normally see.  We got through to the
>>> offending customer, and they said their son had "Team killed on Rainbow
>>> Six Siege"  What does that mean?  And how do other players track down
>>> who they want to attack, Isn't everything through central servers, or
>>> are there still P2P games out there?
>>> --
>>> AF mailing list

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