Forwarding a quick question from Peter so we can answer it publicly or take
advantage of work others have done:

[Can we] estimate how many visitors visit pages with equations (i.e.,
wikitext math tags)?

When we're talking about "how many visitors" we're talking about our Unique
Devices data
<>.  This
is an estimate and the way it's computed restricts us to only knowing high
level numbers at the project or project family level (like de.wikipedia or
"all wikipedias").  So if an estimate for number of visitors to a specific
subset of pages is required, we don't collect that data.

If what's needed is "how many visits", then we have Pageview data
<>.  This is
broken down per page, and available as a bulk download, through an API,
etc.  So if you can compile a list of pages that have some feature (like
equations for example), then it's possible to cross-reference that with
pageview data and get the answer.  To compile this list in the specific
case of equations, you may be able to use the templatelinks
<> table of the
project you're interested in.  These are mirrored to the cloud db replicas
<>.  So if
equations generally use templates, then you can search for pages with links
to those templates in that table, and that would be the list of pages
you're interested in.  With those page titles / page ids you can then query
the pageview data.

Hope this helps explain a bit more our data, but feel free to follow up
with questions.
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