Another program called SoftKeys does this by way of a running
Service.  It offers access to the usually-mandated hardware keys
like MENU, BACK, HOME, SEARCH, even for those few oddball
devices like NOOKcolor that do not include those keys.

An IME keyboard is also a form of this kind of "UI overlay" that
people see all the time.  I am just guessing, but any soft keyboard
is likely another example of a service that spawns interface bits.

However, I can see this sort of thing being more nuisance than
godsend... one person's "great uses" is another person's clutter.

On Jan 16, 9:34 pm, pcm2a <> wrote:
> That subject may sound crazy and before today I thought it was
> impossible.  There is a free app called Super Manager on the market.
> This app gives you a little button to press that is overlayed
> everywhere.  No matter if you are on your home screen, gmail or the
> browser that icon is overlayed.
> Pressing the icon brings up the app interface which is a little box.
> This box is also overlayed on top of your already running application
> like dolphin.
> While the icon overlay or app overlay is on the screen you can still
> interact with the app you were running!
> How can I accomplish something like this in my code?  I can think of
> many great uses.

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