It's not clear what effect you're doing, but you will probably need
the inverse of the drawing transformation to determine the hits.
That is, if the drawing transformation is dividing by Z for depth
and perspective, the hit testing function should be multiplying by
Z to put the touch coordinates back into the button's coordinate

On Jan 20, 2:45 am, argongold <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have developed a custom list with images and these images are
> displayed with different Z distance ( in 3D) as well as custom x,y and
> z angles for each image item.
> My problem is that when I hit an image on screen , the getHitRect()
> returns a different image hit and not the actual on which I hit on
> screen. Even though Images are not overlapping each other.
> Can any one suggest me how can I precisely get the hit of
> corresponding image.
> Note. I am using Camera and Matrix classes and
> getChildStaticTransformation() function to display the images.
> Thanks in advance .
> Regards,
> argongold

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