Save data when the user's no longer interacting with it.  And even
when they are.  As you point out, there are no guaranteed callbacks.
The system assumes that if you're idle, you can be killed.

On Feb 5, 8:57 pm, AndroidDevTime <> wrote:
> I would like to handle application shutdown gracefully.  Whether the
> user ends the application or the system decides the kill the process,
> I want to know the best place to put hooks in the application to
> detect and handle this.  I know that application level components have
> lifecycle methods the conform to system events, but I really want the
> best practice on this at the application level.  This is after all an
> application level shutdown, so i want an app level(not just component
> level) handling.
> Not really sure where to put the global app shutdown code:
> In Application.terminate() ?:  Not really guaranteed to get called.
> In a service?:  I have n services.
> In an activity? : ok but just for the view data.
> The only thing I can think is to have a service dedicated to this
> shutdown activity manage the application level data, but I don't
> really want to start a service at a time when my app is getting
> shutdown perhaps for resource consumption.
> Perhaps one could  just let each component deal with it, however I
> have shared data/state (that is not a preference) across the
> components, and I see no reason why one of those components other than
> the application (subclass) should be dealing with application global
> data management.
> Thanks

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