Reflection is the act of asking the JVM (Dalvik VM) and the
current ClassLoader object instance for information about the
classes it can reach in memory or along the Java CLASSPATH.

It has nothing to do with inter-process communication.  If it
is not in the current process, or reachable by the CLASSPATH,
it won't be found.

On Android, different package names are given different user
ids, and apps reside in completely different directories, to
further limit the visibility of files related to a different

On Feb 28, 11:09 pm, Krt <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying reflection in android.
> It works fine for classes, say A and B, under same project(same
> process in other words).
> It does not work between two different processes.
> i.e. I have
> project A, package name com.ref.classA
> project B, package name com.ref.classB
> Can I call from project B, Class.forName("com.ref.classA");
> I get exception class not found when I do this.
> Please note I have not imported package of calssA in classB.
> Am I missing something? or it is just not possible to do it between
> different processes.
> Any input would be of great help.
> Regards,
> Krt

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