My new wallpaper is 99.9% finished. One thing I can't get to work, is
using a third party color selector widget. This last 0.1% has taken
over a week. I need help, and am prepared to pay for it if neccesary.
It is that or go crazy.

I have modified the standard cube demo to call an additional
ColorPreference for testing. So all I am trying to do for testing is
shoehorn a color selection preference into the standard cube demo.

I have tried with two different color selector preferences downloaded
from GitHub.

My cube2settings.xml looks as follows:

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="


            android:entryValues="@array/cube2_shapeprefix" />


            android:entryValues="@array/mechanism_types" />

<!--  < -->
<!--         android:key="favoriteColor" -->
<!--         android:defaultValue="0xFFA4C639" -->
<!--         android:title="Your Favorite Color" -->
<!--         android:summary="Blue.  No yel-  Auuuuuuuugh!"  -->
<!--         /> -->

    android:title="some title"


The first listpreference is from the cube demo; the second is a test
one I put in.

The third ColorPreference is commented out. It calls the first color
picker I tried. If that is included, the system throws an error when I
press settings.

The fourth preference uses a different ColorPickerPreference class
which I tried instead. This one allows the main preference screen to
be shown, but I get a "Thread [<3> main] (Suspended (exception
InflateException))" when I select this preference to modify.

Without either of these preferences, it works as expected.

Apart from copy and pasting the new color selector classes into my
project and changing the package names, and the change to
cube2settings.xml above, it is the standard cube demo, with the
standard Manifest, etc.

This is almost the last thing I have to do to get this out the door.
Its driving me crazy.

I am missing something very simple. If somebody can suggest what this
is, I would be extremely grateful.

If not, I am making some obvious, simple mistake - I didn't write any
of the code, I just tried to glue two simple demo programs together
for testing. For somebody who knows Preferences, it is probably one
minute to one hour to find and fix my mistake, and I am desperate
enough to pay for this assistance. I can email you the cube test
project and you fix my simple mistake. If you have a profile on this
group, I am willing to pay some or all upfront. Please email

Peter Webb

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