
I have an App Engine python script and my Android App requests text
using a url + querystring and returns just simple text, depending on
the query. That's easy I know how to do the App Engine part. And can
display it in a WebView OK.

I want to display this text in a TextView on my Android and need
specific code snippet to do it.

I know that I need an Async or a Thread to do it, but I cannot find
this basic example - they are either WebViews
which I don't want or complex examples that I cannot unravel.

Can someone point me at an easy source code example? TreKing?

A 'word' answer would also be too hard for me.

Thanks if I get an answer...

On Jul 27, 3:21 pm, TreKing <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 7:30 AM, Droid <> wrote:
> > I am looking for an example of how to get lines of text from a web server
> > query into simple TextViews
> Usually you will be hard pressed to find examples that do exactly everything
> you want. Break down the problem.
> What is it your're having trouble with specifically?
> Connecting to a server?
> Reading from it?
> Putting text in a TextView?
> Doing this in the background?
> Communicating between main and worker threads?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------
> TreKing <> - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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