Hi all,

No matter if I build the surfaceView dynamically or through a layout.xml
because I have hardwareAccerlerated="true" in my manifest

I get a black window and hear the audio of the video when played
        video_view   = new SurfaceView(ctx);
        screen.addView(video_view, new LayoutParams(1020, 600));
        video_holder = video_view.getHolder();

        try {
            mp = new MediaPlayer();
        } catch (IOException e) {

screen is a FrameLayout, upon which the SurfaceView is placed

11-18 09:22:04.769: E/Video Media(24116): VIDEO Initalized [/sdcard/DCIM/Videos/Lazy J_Crystal_20110813_102429.3gp] 11-18 09:22:04.799: D/dalvikvm(24116): GC_CONCURRENT freed 5K, 3% free 20082K/20679K, paused 2ms+3ms 11-18 09:22:04.839: E/Video Media(24116): VIDEO loaded [/sdcard/DCIM/Videos/Lazy J_Crystal_20110813_102429.3gp] 11-18 09:22:04.919: E/Surface(24116): surface (identity=1297) is invalid, err=-19 (No such device) 11-18 09:22:04.929: D/CallStack(24116): Surface#00 pc 00013b5e /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger_client.so 11-18 09:22:04.929: D/CallStack(24116): Surface#01 pc 00013b9c /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger_client.so 11-18 09:22:04.929: D/CallStack(24116): Surface#02 pc 00013c1a /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger_client.so 11-18 09:22:04.929: D/CallStack(24116): Surface#03 pc 00004f38 /system/lib/libEGL.so 11-18 09:22:04.929: D/CallStack(24116): Surface#04 pc 00036dca /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so

The invalid, err=-19 only appears when the hardwareAccelerated="true" is in the manifest

Thus How does one create a surfaceview when you must have hardwareaccelerated ?

Thanks in advance

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