
MAT shows the following

The class*"android.content.res.Resources"*, loaded by*"<system class loader>"*, occupies*2,805,432 (26.30%)*bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of*"java.lang.Object[]"*loaded by*"<system class loader>"*.

Clicking Details
Class Name      Shallow Heap    Retained Heap

 * java.lang.Object[509] @ 0x40db12d8 <mat://object/0x40db12d8>

        2,048   2,797,424

 * *mValues*android.util.LongSparseArray @ 0x40ac0a00

        24      2,801,536

 * *sPreloadedDrawables*class android.content.res.Resources @
   0x40ac0700 <mat://object/0x40ac0700>*Unknown, System Class*

        48      2,805,432

One instance of*""*loaded by*"<system class loader>"*occupies*2,138,456 (20.05%)*bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of*"byte[]"*loaded by*"<system class loader>"*.
Clicking Details
Class Name      Shallow Heap    Retained Heap

 * byte[2138400] @ 0x4134ce98

        2,138,416       2,138,416

 * *mBuffer* @ 0x412599e8 <mat://object/0x412599e8>

        40      2,138,456

 * *mBitmap* @ 0x4125cee8

        64      136

 * *mBGDrawable*android.widget.FrameLayout @ 0x411e5230

        464     1,072

 * *[0]*android.view.View[12] @ 0x41234ea0 <mat://object/0x41234ea0>

        64      24,168

I'm not seeing a variable name, Is there anyway to find What variables or Which Bitmap this is that is 2M in size ?

Thanks again

On 01/15/2012 11:13 AM, Mark Murphy wrote:
On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 11:06 AM, New Developer<>  wrote:
Is there a resource or link that helps you read what is going on with your
I'm plagued by an out of memory error and I have no idea why

Type                                        Count   Total Size   Smallest
    Largest    Median
free                                          929   927.031 KB       16 B
554.344 KB      96 B
data object                                33,460     1.220 MB       16 B
   1,106 B      32 B
class object                                2,703   782.062 KB      168 B
38.180 KB     168 B
1-byte array (byte[], boolean[])              703     8.212 MB       24 B
2.039 MB     264 B
2-byte array (short[], char[])             10,165   653.930 KB       24 B
28.023 KB      48 B
4-byte array (object[], int[], float[])     5,123   327.000 KB       24 B
16.023 KB      40 B
8-byte array (long[], double[])                16     5.922 KB       24 B
4.000 KB     128 B
non-Java object                               129     5.930 KB       24 B
     464 B      40 B

How can I trace this to an actual  variable
Dump the heap and examine it using the Eclipse MAT plugin:

My main  concerns are the  1-byte array  esp. the 2.039 MB
I'm sure it is an Image or Bitmap  I just don't know which one
I strongly encourage you to dump the heap in Honeycomb or Ice Cream
Sandwich then, as they do a much better job than do earlier versions
of Android of reporting bitmap memory.

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