I'm building an app that is composed of several mortgage calculators. Each 
calculator is a separate route in the app. I'm bootstrapping the angular 
app so that I can render any number of calculators simply by adding a data 
attribute to a div tag that points to the correct route.

Here is a Plunker to show you the gist of how I'm building the app: 

I'm having trouble with injecting the $location service into the run 
function. These are the errors I'm getting:

   1. Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! 
   Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 8; 
   oldVal: 7","savvy; newVal: \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: undefined"],["fn: 
   $locationWatch; newVal: 9; oldVal: 8","savvy; newVal: \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: 
   undefined"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 10; oldVal: 9","savvy; newVal: 
   \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: undefined"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 11; oldVal: 
   10","savvy; newVal: \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: undefined"],["fn: $locationWatch; 
   newVal: 12; oldVal: 11","savvy; newVal: \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: undefined"]] 
 Scope.$digest (
   at Scope.$apply 
   at done 
   at completeRequest 
   at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (
   ) angular.js:9778

   1. Uncaught Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. 
   Aborting! Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [["fn: $locationWatch; 
   newVal: 8; oldVal: 7","savvy; newVal: \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: undefined"],["fn: 
   $locationWatch; newVal: 9; ol...<omitted>...5D angular.js:78

   1. Uncaught Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. 
   Aborting! Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [["fn: $locationWatch; 
   newVal: 19; oldVal: 18","savvy; newVal: \"Savvy?\"; oldVal: 
   undefined"],["fn: $locationWatch; newVal: 20;...<omitted>...5D 

Should I not be calling path on $location inside the run function? It looks 
like calling path triggers several calls to $digest. I'm reading through 
the source code to understand what I'm doing wrong but I figured someone 
here might beat me to it and give me a good explanation.

Thanks in advance!

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