[AngularJS] Filter data in a table that is not created by the HTML element, but created with
I've created a table with <DIV> elements instead of the HTML <table> 
element.  ng-repeat will populate the <div> "table" just as it would a 
<table> table.  But filter and sort now won't work.

This is how the HTML for the table built with <div> elements looks:

      <div id="StoresTbl" show-filter="true" class="table">

        <div data-ng-repeat="rows in storeItemsData | filter:rows | 
orderBy:orderProp" Style="float:left; width:22%;">
alt="Picture One" width="98%" style="margin-left: 2px; margin-top: 2px">
          <div ng-click="showStorePics(rows.am, rows.ai, rows.aj, rows.ak, 
rows.al, rows.ae, rows.ac)" style="cursor:pointer; 
          <div id="daPrice" style="text-align:right; 
          <div style='display:inline'>{{rows.ab}}</div>
          <div style='display:inline'>{{rows.ad}}</div>
          <div style='display:inline'>{{rows.ae}}</div>
          <div style='display:inline'>{{rows.af}}</div>
          <div style='display:inline'>{{rows.ag}}</div>
          <div style='display:inline'>{{rows.meet}}</div>

          <div style="display:none">{{rows.ai}}</div>
          <div style="display:none">{{rows.aj}}</div>
          <div style="display:none">{{rows.ak}}</div>
          <div style="display:none">{{rows.al}}</div>
          <div id="listID" style="display:none">{{rows.am}}</div>


This is how the HTML for the table built with a <table> element looks:

     <table id="OffrdTbl" show-filter="true" class="table">
        <tr data-ng-repeat="rows in UsedItems | filter:rows | 
          <td ng-click="showPics(rows.am, rows.ai, rows.aj, rows.ak, 
rows.al, rows.ae, rows.ac)" style="cursor:pointer; 
          <td id="daPrice" style="text-align:right">${{rows.ac}}</td>

          <td style="display:none">{{rows.ai}}</td>
          <td style="display:none">{{rows.aj}}</td>
          <td style="display:none">{{rows.ak}}</td>
          <td style="display:none">{{rows.al}}</td>
          <td id="listID" style="display:none">{{rows.am}}</td>

Can I filter data that is NOT in a table created by the <table> tag?  How 
do I do that?

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