Record Number of Projects Launched via Apache Incubator and Current Initiatives

FOREST HILL, MD – 4 May, 2010 – The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) –-the 
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of 143 Open Source projects 
and initiatives-- today announced the creation of six new Top-Level Projects 
(TLPs), setting an all-time record of the most new TLPs launched in a single 

A Top-Level Project signifies that a Project's community and products have been 
well-governed under the ASF's meritocratic, consensus-driven process and 
principles. Whilst a project is developing within the Apache Incubator or as a 
sub-project of an existing TLP, it benefits from hands-on mentoring from other 
Apache contributors, as well as the Foundation’s widely-emulated process, 
stewardship, outreach, support, and community events.

"Becoming a Top-Level Project is a vote of confidence from the Foundation 
at-large, demonstrating a project has proven its ability to be properly 
self-governed," said ASF Chairman Jim Jagielski. "We are proud of our 
Committers' dedication in building robust communities under the ASF process 
known as 'The Apache Way'."

All Apache Projects are overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors 
to the project. Upon a Project's maturity to a TLP, a Project Mangement 
Committee (PMC) is formed to oversee its day-to-day operations, including 
community development and product releases.

The six new TLPs include both a graduating project from the Apache Incubator as 
well as sub-projects of existing TLPs. They are:

Graduating from the Apache Incubator

- Apache Traffic Server is a richly-featured, fast, scalable, and extensible 
HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server. Formerly a commercial product, Yahoo! 
submitted Traffic Server to the Apache Incubator in 2009. Traffic Server is 
widely recognized as an “edge” service in cloud computing; an example of its 
use is to serve static content such as images and JavaScript, CSS, and HTML 
files, and route requests for dynamic content to a Web server such as the 
Apache HTTP Server. Highly performant, Apache Traffic Server has been 
benchmarked to handle in excess of 75,000 requests per second (RPS), and is 
used in production in large-scale deployments such as Yahoo!, where it handles 
400 terrabytes of traffic per day, and serves more than 30 billion objects 
daily across its various properties including the Yahoo! homepage, and its 
Sports, Mail, and Finance sites.

Former Sub-projects of Existing Top-Level Projects

- Apache Mahout provides scalable implementations of machine learning 
algorithms on top of Apache Hadoop and other technologies. It offers 
collaborative filtering, clustering, classification, feature
reduction, data mining algorithms, and more. Begun as a sub-project of Lucene 
in 2008, Mahout's team of nearly a dozen contributors is now actively working 
towards release 0.4. 

- Apache Tika is an embeddable, lightweight toolkit for content detection, and 
analysis. Powering by MIME standards from IANA, advanced language detection 
features and on the ability to rapidly unify existing parser libraries, Tika 
provides a one-stop shop for navigating the modern information landscape. Tika 
entered the Incubator in 2007 and graduated to a Lucene sub-project in 2008. 
Tika is used in a broad range of Lucene products ranging from Solr, to Nutch 
and Mahout and is in deployment at NASA, Day Software, the Internet Archive, 
and at a number of Web startups including Bixo labs.

- Apache Nutch is a highly-modular, Web searching engine based on Lucene Java 
with added Web-specifics, such as a crawler, a link-graph database, and parsers 
for HTML and other document formats.
Its architecture allows developers to create plugins for media-type parsing, 
data retrieval, querying,  clustering, and more. Following a successful 100 
million page demo system, the project graduated the Apache Incubator in 2005 to 
become a sub-project of Apache Lucene.

- Apache Avro is a fast data serialization system that includes rich and 
dynamic schemas in all its processing. A sub-project of Apache Hadoop, Avro 
features rich data structures; a compact, fast, binary data format; a container 
file to store persistent data; remote procedure call (RPC); and simple 
integration with dynamic languages. Not only is code generation not required to 
read or write data files nor to use or implement RPC protocols, it is an 
optional optimization, only worth implementing for statically typed languages.

- Apache HBase is a distributed database modeled after Google's Bigtable. The 
project started at Powerset and became a sub-project of  Apache Hadoop in 2007. 
Apache HBase adds random read/write access to the Hadoop stack, extending 
offline processing capabilities and enabling realtime serving of very large 
datasets. The project's goal is the hosting of big tables -- billions of rows X 
millions of columns -- running atop commodity hardware. HBase has been 
successfully deployed at Adobe, Flurry, Meetup, Mozilla, StumbleUpon, Trend 
Micro, and Twitter, among others, to perform  analytics and as a datastore for 
live Websites.

Additional New Top-Level Projects Created in 2010

- Apache UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) is a framework 
for analyzing unstructured information, such as natural language text. It 
supports the writing, deployment and reuse of analysis components in a wide 
variety of settings. Created at IBM and submitted to the Apache Incubator in 
2006, UIMA has been adopted as the de-facto enabling platform by a significant 
part of the natural language processing community. Apache UIMA graduated from 
the Apache Incubator in March 2010.

- Apache Cassandra is an advanced, second-generation “NoSQL” distributed data 
store that has a shared-nothing architecture. The Cassandra decentralized model 
provides massive scalability, and is highly available with no single point of 
failure even under the worst scenarios. Originally developed at Facebook and 
submitted to the ASF Incubator in 2009, the Project has added more than a 
half-dozen new committers, and is deployed by dozens of high-profile users such 
as Cisco WebEx, Cloudkick, Digg, Facebook, Rackspace, Reddit, and Twitter. 
Apache Cassandra graduated from the Apache Incubator in March 2010.

- Apache Subversion is a widely-used versioning control system. The project was 
initated at CollabNet in 2000 and was accepted into the Apache Incubator in 
2009; many of the people who founded Subversion also actively contribute to 
various initiatives at the ASF. All of the ASF's projects use Subversion for 
source code version control, and Subversion itself relies on many Apache 
projects such as Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and HTTP Web Server. For nearly 
a decade, both communities have benefited from open feedback channels, where 
requirements from the Subversion project have helped drive new features to 
various Apache projects, and vice versa. Apache Subversion is used in Bounty 
Source, CodePlex, Django, ExtJS, Free BSD, FreePascal, GCC, Google Code, 
MediaWiki, Mono, PHP, Ruby, SourceForge, and, as well as numerous 
corporations. Apache Subversion graduated from the Apache Incubator in February 

- Apache Click is a modern Java EE Web application framework that provides a 
natural, rich client style programming model. Apache Click's intuitive design 
makes it very easy to learn and use, with most developers getting up and 
running within a day. As opposed to traditional component oriented Web 
frameworks, Click is stateless by design although stateful pages are supported. 
Click exposes few abstractions to learn and understand; the Java Servlet API is 
fully exposed to the developer to ease the upgrade path from an action-based 
framework to a component-based one to alleviate developers from maintaining 
redundant markup. Apache Click entered the Apache Incubator in 2008 and 
graduated in February 2010.

- Apache Shindig is an OpenSocial container and helps you to start hosting 
OpenSocial apps quickly by providing the code to render gadgets, proxy 
requests, and handle REST and RPC requests. By providing a language-neutral 
infrastructure for those wishing to host OpenSocial applications on their 
Websites, Apache Shindig allows new sites to start hosting social apps in under 
an hour. Originally created as a port of Google's iGoogle gadget container for 
hosting OpenSocial compatible widgets in any Website, Shindig entered the 
Apache Incubator in 2007, and graduated in January 2010.

"The ASF has been at the center of innovation over the past 10 years, providing 
key pieces for much of the software and services we rely on every day," said 
RedMonk analyst Michael Coté. "These new Top-Level Projects are another example 
of that in action: projects that aim to help developers and organizations build 
the next round of useful applications."


All Apache products are released under the Apache Software License v2.0. 
Downloads, documentation, and related resources are available at

About the Apache Incubator and Incubation Process
The Apache Incubator is the entry path for projects and codebases wishing to 
become part of the efforts at The Apache Software Foundation. All code 
donations from external organisations and existing external projects wishing to 
join the ASF enter through the Incubator to: 1) ensure all donations are in 
accordance with the ASF legal standards; and 2) develop new communities that 
adhere to our guiding principles. Incubation is required of all newly accepted 
projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, 
communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner 
consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not 
necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does 
indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees more than one 
hundred leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server — the 
world's most popular Web server software. Through The ASF's meritocratic 
process known as "The Apache Way," more than 300 individual Members and 2,300 
Committers successfully collaborate to develop freely available 
enterprise-grade software, benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of 
software solutions are distributed under the Apache License; and the community 
actively participates in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and 
ApacheCon, the Foundation’s official user conference, trainings, and expo. The 
ASF is funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors including 
Facebook, Google, HP, Microsoft, Progress Software, SpringSource/VMware, and 
Yahoo! For more information, visit

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