
We're making public a portable public domain password hashing framework
for use in PHP applications.  It is meant to work with PHP 3 and above,
and it has actually been tested with PHP 3.0.18, 4.3.x, and 5.0.x so far.
The homepage URL for this framework is:


The preferred (most secure) hashing method supported by phpass is the
OpenBSD-style bcrypt (known in PHP as CRYPT_BLOWFISH), with a fallback
to BSDI-style extended DES-based hashes (known in PHP as CRYPT_EXT_DES),
and a last resort fallback to an MD5-based variable iteration count
password hashing method implemented in phpass itself.

Included in the package are a PHP source file implementing the
PasswordHash PHP class, a tiny PHP application demonstrating the use
of the PasswordHash class, and a C re-implementation of the last
resort password hashing method (used for testing the correctness of
the primary implementation only).

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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