
There's a new Owl-current ISO-9660 image (dated 2005/12/08) available
for download under /pub/Owl/current/iso on the FTP mirrors:


The new installer now implements an ncurses/CDK-based user interface,
although this new UI is not enabled by default yet.  To enable it,
please invoke the "settle" and "setup" programs with the new "-m"
option, -- and please provide your feedback (report any bugs and
anything that is confusing, provide any suggestions for improvement,

Besides the installer, the following other components have been
significantly updated since the last ISO snapshot (September 13, 2005):
util-linux, findutils, CVS, tcsh, OpenSSL, RPM, elfutils-libelf, SILO,
setarch (replaces sparc32), kbd, LILO, m4, net-tools, coreutils, zlib,
strace, file, SysVinit, modutils, Linux-PAM, procmail, Postfix, Nmap,
glibc, sed, patch, quota, tar, traceroute, grep, cpio, libpcap, GnuPG,
vsftpd, Perl, and the Linux kernel.  The following new packages have
been added: CDK, BIND, OpenNTPD, tinycdb, PCRE, indent.

Please refer to the change log for descriptions of these changes:


In order to not "spam" the announcement list with multiple messages, I'd
like to also use this opportunity to mention that two new contributed
patches are now available off John the Ripper homepage at:


The new patches add support for Post.Office MD5-based password hashes
(patch developed and contributed by David Luyer) and Lotus Domino salted
password hashes (patch by regenrecht and bartavelle).  Any questions
(preferably advanced ones) and comments on these patches may be posted
to the john-users mailing list.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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