
John the Ripper 1.7.6, originally released as a development version
because of the extent of the changes made, has just been re-labeled the
new stable version.  There hasn't been a single bug report against this
version since it was released over two weeks ago, yet people
successfully built, ran, and some even packaged it on a variety of
operating systems.  Specifically:

Steven M. Christensen of Sunfreeware has produced packages of JtR 1.7.6
for many versions of Solaris, both SPARC and x86, including both 32-bit
and 64-bit builds.  I've mirrored them here:


GI John - Grid Implemented John the Ripper, a curious non-Openwall
project - has been updated to build upon JtR 1.7.6-jumbo-3:


Meanwhile, I've updated the jumbo patch with some fixes to KRB5_*, which
were previously discussed on john-users.  The new revision is
1.7.6-jumbo-4, but that's a very minor update (compared to -jumbo-3):



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