Dear Colleagues,

As you know, the General Assembly session has begun and Libertarians around the 
state are watching many bills that either enhance or threaten our remaining 
liberties.  There are some promising bills on four fronts already:


Roy Scherer, who has been the point man for Virginia Libertarians at the 
General Assembly for over three decades, will be following legislation in 
general, but he notes one in particular.  Here's Roy:  "WE HAVE A 
DECRIMINALIZATION BILL FOR MARIJUANA sponsored by Delegate Harvey Morgan (a 
pharmacologist, as I recall, first elected in the seventies).  HOUSE BILL NO. 
1134 <>, would 
decriminalize marijuana possession and greatly reduce penalties for related 
offenses.  This is the best bill that I've seen in the Assembly since the 
reform act of 1979.  I'm going to be quite busy, and logistics will be a major 
issue.  Please let my fellow LP members know I'll be active during the session, 
and that I issue an email report as often as possible.  Anyone who would like 
to be added to my 'General Assembly Freedom Update' can simply drop me a note:

        "Roy B. Scherer" <> or 

Confidentiality guaranteed."


The Libertarian Party is the only choice at the ballot box when it comes to 
100% support of the right of people to own & bear arms as a matter of basic 
human rights.  Many Libertarians work with the Virginia Citizens Defense 
League, the state's pre-eminent voice for gun rights, to persuade lobbyists, 
the media, and citizens in general that guns save lives.  Please take a few 
minutes and sign up for VCDL's email alerts, which during session, come at a 
rapid clip (it's not VCDL's fault!):


One thing is floating around the General Assembly this time that took me by 
surprise: There seems to be some sentiment afoot to abolish Virginia's 
Corporate Income Tax.  While I'd much prefer to see the Virginia individual 
income tax abolished, I'll take any tax abolition I can get.  Besides, as we 
Mundanes know, corporations pay no taxes.  Only consumers do -- soa  repeal of 
the corporate income tax direcly benefits consumers.

Bob Marcellus, a Richmond hedge-fund manager who served on the transition 
team's economic development work group, originally pushed the idea.  Del. Bob 
Purkey, R-Virginia Beach, introduced the bill to eliminate the tax.  

The bill will have a tough row to hoe.  Even if the proposal passes the 
Republican-controlled House, Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw, D-Fairfax, 
has said publicly that he and his fellow Democrats in the Senate favor 
continuing the annual state theft of private money.

Further reading:


In 2008, The Libertarian Party of Virginia worked with Equality Virginia as 
part of the Commonwealth Coalition in an effort to defeat the Marshall/Newman 
Amendment.  In 2009, Equality Virginia is back on the front lines again, and 
once again there are Libertarians working with them to convince legislators to 
make sure all Virginians are treated equally under the law.

EqualityVirginia will be sponsoring its Lobby Day on Tuesday, February 2, 2010. 
 Join more than 200 members and activists from across the state to lobby 
legislators on bills important to the GLBT community.  This year EV has added a 
Virtual Lobby Day option for those of you who would like to participate but 
can't make it to Richmond for the day.


In the coming days, as we discover areas where we have common cause with other 
single-interest groups, we will review them as well.

But in the meantime, sign up for Roy's alerts, and try to write to your 
representatives a couple of times a week and ask them to support the 
libertarian position on the bills reviewed by Roy.

Sign up for VCDL's alerts, also, and use their wonderful "write your reps" 
service to help lobby for the restoration of full gun rights in Virginia.

Sign up for EV's alerts as well.

And don't forget to write your legislators to ask them to support repeal of the 
corporate income tax.

 Have an announcement you'd like to post?  SCC members & many
 committee heads are all authorized to post; or you may send
 your announcements to the List Master:
 Unsubscribe: Send an email to with
 no subject and "Unsubscribe Announce" as the text.
 Libertarian Party of Virginia
 Phone: 703-715-6230

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