# pip list

Package                      Version    

---------------------------- -----------

ansible                      2.6.2      

asn1crypto                   0.24.0     


bcrypt                       3.1.4      

cached-property              1.4.3      

certifi                      2018.4.16  

cffi                         1.11.5     

chardet                      3.0.4      

cryptography                 2.3        

docker                       3.4.1      

docker-compose               1.22.0     

docker-pycreds               0.3.0      

dockerpty                    0.4.1      

docopt                       0.6.2      

enum34                       1.1.6      

functools32                  3.2.3.post2

idna                         2.6        

ipaddress                    1.0.22     

Jinja2                       2.10       

jsonschema                   2.6.0      

MarkupSafe                   1.0        

ntlm-auth                    1.2.0      

paramiko                     2.4.1      

pip                          18.0       

pyasn1                       0.4.4      

pycparser                    2.18       

PyNaCl                       1.2.1      

pywinrm                      0.3.0      

PyYAML                       3.13       

requests                     2.18.4     

requests-ntlm                1.1.0      

setuptools                   40.0.0     

six                          1.11.0     

texttable                    0.9.1      

urllib3                      1.22       

websocket-client             0.48.0     

wheel                        0.31.1     

xmltodict                    0.11.0     

On Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 4:15:49 PM UTC-4, Jordan Borean wrote:
> Can you give us the output of *pip list*, seems like pywinrm is receiving 
> a None value where it is expecting a string.
> Thanks
> Jordan

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