Hello all!

   I have an issue in my environment where I cannot use the synchronize 
module to transfer data between two remote nodes. So I need a different way 
to do this.

ServerA: Ansible Server (Tower Instance)
ServerA1: Ansible Server (Tower Instance)
ServerA2: Ansible Server (Tower Instance)

ServerB: Data Server

ServerC: User Server

I want to run a playbook on ServerA and have it copy a/many file(s) from 
ServerB to ServerC. I cannot use synchronize do to environmental issues. So 
how can I get this done ether using copy or fetch modules. Or something 
else like SCP from the shell or command module.

I cannot find a good example of doing this other than the synchronize 
module. I do not want to just copy the data files to the tower servers. I 
need to keep my environment the same as it is today without changes.

I'm using ansible 2.7. These are all Redhat Linux Servers.

Here is a sample I tried. Really simple but...Inventory comes from tower 
server which is why the hosts says "all"

- name: Playbook1
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: yes
  become: yes
  remote_user: user1


    - name: Copy file to dest server
        src: "/var/tmp/file1"
        dest: "/var/tmp/"
        flat: yes
      delegate_to: ServerB
- name: Playbook2
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: yes
  become: yes
  remote_user: user1


    - name: Copy file to dest server
        src: "/var/tmp/file1"
        dest: "/var/tmp/"
remote_src: yes
      delegate_to: ServerB

Any help would be appreciated.



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