I am trying to print the free space for a mount that an application needs 
to have x free on.   Once i can do that i would look at adding actions 
based on that, but i would also like to the user running the play to know 
if there is an issue or not.   

Here is what i have so far, and i cant see to get what i would expect, any 


- hosts: all

    - debug:
        msg: "Mount Point {{item.mount}} free space 
{{item.size_available/1073741824}} "
      loop: "{{ansible_mounts}}"
      when: item.mount == '/home'

PLAY [all] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [server]

TASK [debug] 
skipping: [server] => (item={u'block_used': 3056865, u'uuid': 
u'bf9d7ab9-4be3-419d-8aed-f3b952b75957', u'size_total': 84408975360, 
u'block_total': 20607660, u'mount': u'/', u'block_available': 17550795, 
u'size_available': 71888056320, u'fstype': u'ext4', u'inode_total': 
5242880, u'inode_available': 5165347, u'device': 
u'/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root', u'inode_used': 77533, u'block_size': 4096, 
u'options': u'rw'})
skipping: [server] => (item={u'block_used': 109536, u'uuid': 
u'11dcc8c1-6895-4cc5-b6f3-6d83767021ac', u'size_total': 499355648, 
u'block_total': 487652, u'mount': u'/boot', u'block_available': 378116, 
u'size_available': 387190784, u'fstype': u'ext4', u'inode_total': 128016, 
u'inode_available': 127971, u'device': u'/dev/sda1', u'inode_used': 45, 
u'block_size': 1024, u'options': u'rw'})

ok: [server] => (item={u'block_used': 3071894, u'uuid': 
u'c6c79efc-1ada-4714-9d32-80a6cd896605', u'size_total': 105558474752, 
u'block_total': 25771112, u'mount': u'/home', u'block_available': 22699218, 
u'size_available': 92975996928, u'fstype': u'ext4', u'inode_total': 
6540800, u'inode_available': 6382890, u'device': 
u'/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_home', u'inode_used': 157910, u'block_size': 
4096, u'options': u'rw'}) => {
    "msg": "Mount Point /home free space 86.5906448364 "

What i really want to display and only display is : "Mount Point /home free 
space 86.5906448364 "

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